Make your own READ poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found this because I’m looking for a new Website name and wanted Wigflip. Somebody cool already has it….

REALLY COOL! And he has given us what we’ve long dreamed of! A READ poster generator!!!!!!!

First I found this…..LED sign. (which may take a minute to load up)


Then I found this … street sign generator.


(he’s got other toys, too, including a speech bubble maker)

Then I found the holy grail! I almost missed it. Because he calls it a motivational poster generator. But if you use a vertical picture of someone reading a book. And choose READ as your motivational word:



Now you just have to decide what book to hold. (I highly recommend holding The Qwikpick Adventure Society.)

5 Responses

  1. This is awesome. I’m already playing with it. Okay, wasting time with it.

  2. My brother is so awesome. Yes, my brother, Mr Wigflip himself.

  3. cool! I can spend some quality time with this!

  4. way cooooool!!! Thanks so much for posting these!! Can’t wait to make signage and posters for school library!

  5. […] Books Week activities in Second Life (details forthcoming on the website). Children’s author Sam Riddleburger shows how you can use an online motivational poster generator to make your own “Read” […]

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