Hutt, Hiro, Howbag and other news

Recent news here at Berger & Burger includes the weird news that you can download Riddleburger’s “Qwikpick Adventure Society” to your iPhone through Stanza. For the low price of $13.99 or so. That may seem high, but it also includes the cost of Riddleburger fainting in astonishment if someone actually does it.

Meanwhile, Angleberger (that’s me) is back from the Star Wars Celebration convention in Orlando. There are lots of photos on , but I received a special request from one of Berger & Burger’s three readers to post this one of Origami Yoda and Jabba the Hutt…

Just before leaving for Orlando I had a chance to meet with my old friend Hiro Asami. Hiro is a snail scientist and I used to clean out his snail cages for him. (Unpleasant.) Because he lives in Japan I hadn’t seen him in about 18 years! He’s listed in the acknowledgements of Origami Yoda because he’s A) a great guy and B) he can fold paper with uncanny precision…

And here’s a look at a peliminary Horton Halfpott illustration. I’ve been working pretty hard on the book’s 49 illustrations this week, because I have a deadline of Sept. 1 to show Amulet where I’m headed…
This shot shows a very minor character, Howbag, drawn with a wide pen nib and with a very narrow one. I decided to use the narrow nib style for almost all of the illustrations…

2 Responses

  1. I wonder if my elder sons were there. They’ve been in Orlando, and I don’t know if they went there for a day.

    Maybe … I wonder if they met you down there. I’ll find out when they get back and let you know. That would be cool.

  2. I like his stache!
    Jaba pic is great. (Wonder how he’d look in same stache?)

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