Poetry Friday – More Kid “haiku”

Like I said, I had a great reading.signing at the Blue Ridge Library yesterday.

There were an amazing 33 (or so ) entries in my Instant Poetry Contest.

As usual the theme was “The Worst Thing You ever Smelled.” We didn’t worry much about the syllable count for the haikus, but I did try to get them to write just three lines.

PRETTY GROSS, so don’t continue if you don’t want to read good old fashioned kid-style disgust:

The winner, age 8 or so, wrote a little more and won by popular vote:

Grandpa takes care of chickens in a house

the smell would kill a mouse

he shovels up poop and rotten birds

it makes my eyes hurt.


I always like the ones that use specific details, so I’m giving an Hon. Mention to:

“Wen I went in

I smelled poo —

20 died skunks and 22 rats pee”


Reading these things out loud in public is pretty darn crazy! One kid wrote about his mother’s breath another about his father’s flatulance.  I skipped those. (Have to keep this thing high brow.) But I did read this one…

“I have a dog

when it pupes (poops)

it smells like roast beef in pee.”


Roast beef in pea! Now there’s a word picture! Or as would say, a word smell.

Which reminds me … don’t forget to send in your own offbeat haikus to Marilla’s Haiku Showcase over at the Qwikpick Adventure Society website.

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